Thursday, September 26, 2013


  Although I have known a great many people with strong faith and values in my lifetime, only a couple dozen or so have truly impressed upon me so great a depth of character as to embody what I think a true Christian should be. I had the pleasure of dining with such a friend yesterday, and can say beyond doubt that she represents a rare creature, beautiful in form and inner grace, and not to be taken for granted. This prompts my newest question, an attempt at coaxing from my thus far, silent readers (however few!) a response of meaningful proportions.

Would you describe for me one person you've known (named or anonymous) who truly embodies goodness & virtue?

It would be my great delight to receive answers on this one! 
Yours, The Inquisitress

Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Role Model

  Rules, rules, rules! Don't text while driving! Don't speed! Keep your eyes on the road, don't ride bumpers, remember to signal, look for construction and sign changes...and those just apply to driving! 
  Our kids seem to hold stubbornly to the idea that adults are not bound by so much control as they are, to which I often respond, "You have no idea!" But are we? Do we uphold those rules in our children's view, or do we live as if they don't apply to us? If we do as we want when we think we can get away with it, can we then blame our kids when they flippantly disregard our instructions?

Today's Question:
In the privacy of home and vehicle, which type do you typically model - the law-abiding citizen or the exception to the rules?

Monday, September 23, 2013

Very First Question of the Day

  Blog Background 

  From early childhood's gift of language, I've been an extremely curious and inquisitive person. What is that strange object used for? Why does she wear a heavy coat on a hot day? Who thinks this way, and why? So on and so forth. 

  In recent years, much more pressing and serious questions have plagued me. Thus, the formation of this blog. Here is my opportunity to ask both friends and strangers serious, sometimes controversial questions. Not all are meant to find answers. Some are simply meant to engage your mind and spark your thought process. Others are meant to stir emotions and minds to a point of action. There are some though, which I have yet to find a good answer to, and crave your insight or ideas. As a collective, maybe we can discover what I could not find alone. If you want to answer something but hesitate, please feel free to post anonymously. I would rather have answers with no source than no answers!

  Warning: You may unearth through reading this blog, things about me you do not like. This blog is not centered around me or my character; personal attacks or critiques are not the point, so are not welcome. The theme is the daily question, and posters are asked to be courteous and tolerant of others' viewpoints, including mine. Anyone violating this request will have their posts removed. Thanks for reading!

 I was raised to believe the above quote and yet, I find the following quote to be true as well.

  Today's question:
 How does swearing shape your view of those around you, and yourself?